Powerful Stuff

Hosted by: Meredith Baker

POWERFUL STUFF is the comedic relief to your self growth journey you didn't know you needed. Meredith muses about how to understand, overcome, and transform life's hurdles through deep insight and a dash of parody. Each episode always has a theme, personal stories, meditative moments, and integrative journaling prompts so you too can change any of your life's lessons into POWERFUL STUFF.

Powerful Stuff

Hosted by: Meredith Baker

POWERFUL STUFF is the comedic relief to your self growth journey you didn't know you needed. Meredith muses about how to understand, overcome, and transform life's hurdles through deep insight and a dash of parody. Each episode always has a theme, personal stories, meditative moments, and integrative journaling prompts so you too can change any of your life's lessons into POWERFUL STUFF.

All Episodes

Just Do It: How comedic sensation Aliki got started and how you can too

February 19, 2024

Y'all. This Powerful Stuff is full of GEMS of wisdom sprinkled with majestic hilarity. I am joined by IG/TikTok comedic sensation, amazing healer, and actual new bestie, Aliki (alikicomedy) and we go deep on how to start before you're ready to embody your gifts, how taking the first tiny baby step plays a huge role in claiming who you are, how the best friends are the kinds who push you to claim your gifts, and how to have the most FUN along the way. If you're looking for a good laugh laced with insights to help awaken you to the next version of yourself, you've come to the right place.

Supercharge your relationship: a tell-all with my husband

February 12, 2024

If you're wondering how to keep your relationship growing + thriving, this podcast episode is for YOU! I sit down with my husband Spencer to talk about the key things we prioritize and do religiously that have brought -and continue to bring- our relationship to new heights. What are your biggest takeaways? What do you do to keep your relationship thriving? Let us know!

Become What You're Ready To Attract

February 05, 2024

In this special pre-Valentine's Day episode, Mer talks through her step-by-step journey of how she got out of bad dating patterns, took radical ownership, and became the partner of her dreams, before calling in her actual partner, Spencer. Whether you're ready to call in the partner, community, or life of your dreams, this episode will help you get CLEAR on what you want, how to break free of negative cycles that keep you from getting it, and finally how to become what you're ready to attract.

Feel it to Heal It

January 29, 2024

FEEL IT TO HEAL IT. One of Mer's favorite expressions of how our emotions can be used as our compass of where to go next. Based on her own feeling in the moment, Mer walks us through how to acknowledge, allow, and then release and alchemize whatever emotion is moving through us.

Acceptance + Choice = a powerful recipe for growth

January 22, 2024

If you're feeling like you're resisting some part of your reality, this short episode + meditation is for you. Mer talks about how when she's feeling like she's either stuck in the past or future, which causes an impasse in the present, she does this exercise of "Acceptance + Choice" (which she explains in the pod. This exercise has helped many of her clients release expectations around a situation, see it for what it is, and step into empowered choice of what to do next. Which situation are you ready to accept fully? What becomes possible when you do?

Moving through life's changing seasons with grace

January 15, 2024

One of Mer's favorite quotes is "move through life's changes with grace and ease so you're never knocked too far off your centerpoint." Eileen joins Mer today to talk about her recent musings about her own life's changing season, how that brings Powerful Stuff into a new season, and everything in between. This episode is for all of you who are wondering when to let go of something, how to listen to the signs, and how to release things with grace because you'll never know how they'll re-enter your life. This episode is giving "soft girl era" meets "Powerful Stuff" to make some true "soft power." What things/relationships are falling away or changing in your life? How can you loosen your grip to allow them to morph into something brand new?

Against All Odds: the improbable story of how Mer + Spencer fell in love

January 08, 2024

Mer is FINALLY joined by her husband Spencer to share how the work they did on themselves led to them meeting and seizing the improbable opportunity of working out on a whirlwind romance when Spencer was motorcycling through LA on his journey from Canada to Argentina. This is part 1 of 2 of Mer+Spencer's relationship story and we hope that it inspires you to say YES to uncertainty as you trust in yourself + what you're ready to call in

Before heading into 2024, listen to THIS!

December 30, 2023

This episode is all you need to journal, meditate, reflect on to get you ready to process 2023, vision 2024, and step into that vision TODAY! Need we say more? We love you all and thank you for helping us make 2023 powerful- and it's JUST the beginning!

2023 Wisdoms: Wrapped!

December 25, 2023

Ok y'all. Meredith here reporting from my hometown of Houston, TX to give you my "2023 Wrapped" of my 7 wisdoms and musings from this last year that I've felt powerfully and that can hopefully be powerful for you too. I give personal anecdotes and break each of the 7 wisdoms down with questions you can ask yourself around each and we round out the episode with a meditation to help you get clear on what your "2023 Wrapped" is for your wisdoms. Getting clear on our takeaways of 2023 helps us prepare to welcome 2024. Let us know what your 2023 wisdoms are, how they perfectly prepare you for 2024, AND what you want to hear more of from us in the new year!

Rejection doesn't exist!

December 18, 2023

REJECTION. We like to say this word doesn't exist. Rejection and failure are only rejection and failure if we don't take something from it, and use it to fuel our pivot and our path forward. Mer goes into how she found the silver lining after being eliminated during Red Light Green Light in Squid Games and Eileen goes into how a journey to India for her yoga teacher training unfolded in a way she did not expect. In both instances, Mer+Eileen note that the things that ended up going "awry" in the moment actually set them onto a path that cracked them open into their current reality. If you're feeling down about a situation that didn't go your way, fear not! This episode will help you find the silver linings and leave feeling more empowered than when you started listening!

Meditation: End 2023 the way you want to start 2024!

December 13, 2023

As we close out on the year, we are firm believers there is nothing better than ending this year the way you want to start next year. In this mini solo episode, Mer breaks it down how you can tie up loose ends to create more space and possibility for whatever vision you're ready to step into next. Grab a journal and pen, and find a comfortable place to meditate. This is going to be POWERFUL!

Using Emotions as a Powerful Compass

December 11, 2023

Mer + Eileen go IN on emotional intelligence: how to increase your emotional intelligence, what to do when others in your life don't have as much emotional intelligence, and mostly, how to listen to your emotions and harness them as your internal compass of what to heal and where to go next!

How to combine worlds: a look into Mer's Bachelorette

December 04, 2023

Mer + Eileen go DEEP about Mer's unconventional bachelorette, which featured 19 (!) women in a cabin in Idyllwild AFTER Mer's wedding. Not only will you hear a recount of the bachelorette, but you'll also get insight into how to plan big group experiences and things you can do to honor life's pivotal moments and help worlds collide seamlessly and

How to Ceremonialize Anything

November 27, 2023

Ever wonder why you feel unsettled before, during, or after a pivotal life event? Ever think to yourself "if only I could commemorate this, understand the takeaways, and move on confidently to my next chapter?" Well, Eileen+Mer are here to help you add intention and POWER to anything you might be experiencing with this episode of "how to ceremonialize anything." They break down the key components of a ceremony, the importance of setting an intention and vocalizing it, and how ceremonies aren't just things you attend, they are actions you can take for any life event: a break up, moving into a new apartment, starting a new job, to help you feel grounded in past learnings and clear on how you want to feel in your next chapter. We hope you enjoy this episode- and let us know what you ceremonialize in your life and how it goes!

Aligning our inner world to help our outer world

November 20, 2023

Mer and Eileen talk about how healing ourselves can heal the world from a micro and macro perspective. We break down patterns, reactions, responses, radical ownership, and how to change our life to change our world. When we do the work to feel whole and complete, we create ripple effects of healing around us.

Releasing Expectation

November 13, 2023

Ex.Pect.Ation. Expectation. Mer + Eileen unpack this sneaky little emotion and talk about how to acknowledge our expectation and replace it with how we want to FEEL instead of how we want something to go. Be prepared to find expansive freedom on the other side of this episode!

Releasing Expectation

November 13, 2023

Ex.Pect.Ation. Expectation. Mer + Eileen unpack this sneaky little emotion and talk about how to acknowledge our expectation and replace it with how we want to FEEL instead of how we want something to go. Be prepared to find expansive freedom on the other side of this episode!

The ins and outs of Mer's FESTIVAL WEDDING

November 06, 2023

Mer+Eileen debrief on Mer's 4th wedding of the year (to the same man!), her festival wedding celebration by Ojai. Mer+Eileen talk about what Mer did to release expectations and obligations before the wedding and then give the tea on the flow of the wedding, so all the different worlds colliding in an experiential wedding would feel optimally excited and energized to enter into the Mermaid Spenergy (her wedding hashtag with her husband, Spencer ;p). If you're curious about how to plan a connective event that's true to you, look no further!

the elusive yet POWERFUL saturn return

November 06, 2023

Saturn Return. A word we’ve all heard about (at least us millennials in LA). It’s that special, crazy time between our late 20’s and early 30’s where we make our way through chaos and deep shedding to come home to who we were always meant to be. Mer + Eileen talk about their own Saturn Returns, how energy doesn’t lie, and how it can be scary- but is necessary- to step into the unknown to return to our POWER!

Own Your Story

October 23, 2023

We KNOW when it’s time to shed an old story - about ourselves, about what’s possible, about what we are ready to step into. It feels heavy and like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Today, we talk about what happens when we hold on to an old story for too long, how to shed it through looking at our deepest fears, and what becomes possible when we start to re-write and own our story!

What ERA are you in?

October 16, 2023

This is the EPISODE we have all been waiting for. As a commemoration for Taylor Swift being in LA for the Era’s tour, we take a psychological deep dive on Taylor Swift’s eras and how she truly has owned her story from the good, the bad, and the ugly, and how we can all “alchemize” the hard parts of our journey (like how she did when for REPUTATION to reclaim her story ) to trust in the unfolding bringing us to our next era. Buckle up, get ready to dive in. Are you ready for it?

What you trigger is triggering you

October 09, 2023

“What you trigger is triggering you.” In episode 3 of POWERFUL STUFF, Eileen and Mer talk energetics of feminine and masculine, how to step into our most embodied dynamics of both, and how to approach triggers with others from a place of curiosity and growth (easier said then done, but hey, we are doing our best!).

Heal Your Sunday Scaries

October 08, 2023

This is a short episode about the scaries we love to dread and dread to love, the SUNDAY SCARIES. As survivors recording this episode on the other side of Sunday Scaries (on a Monday!) Mer + Eileen talk about what causes Sunday Scaries, what their past experiences with Sunday Scaries are, and most importantly, how you can convert your anxiety from Sunday Scaries into aligned action to take back your peace and infuse it into the rest of your week!

Converting hardships to soil for a true full BLOOM

October 02, 2023

Sometimes the hard things were meant to happen in our lives to make us stronger and provide fertilizer for the soil of what we are ready to grow next. Coming out of a retreat they just hosted that they named “fullbloom,” in episode 2, Mer and Eileen talk about the seeds they’ve planted, hard times, or the “soil” that has been created, and what coming into their “full bloom” looks like. This episode begins to follow the signature arc of an intention setting and meditative moment, a deep dive around a concept and personal stories, and another meditative moment and reflective questions for the listener at the end. What is the seed that you’re planting in the next chapter? Let us know

Get to know your hosts

September 25, 2023

In episode 1 of POWERFUL STUFF, get to know Mer and Eileen’s journey to coming home to themselves over the course of knowing each other, first as roomies in Venice Beach, CA in 2021 and how their life musings and lessons that they’ve helped each other through have become the bedrock and inspiration for sharing POWERFUL STUFF with all of you.


September 25, 2023

POWERFUL STUFF is the comedic relief to your self growth journey you didn't know you needed. Former roommates and current conifdants Mer and Eileen talk about how to understand, overcome, and transform life's hurdles...

© 2024 Meredith Baker. All Rights Reserved.